Sunday, February 19, 2017

Ethics and etiquette during business lunches / dinners

Business interview or meeting with business partner can be scheduled in the restaurant. Individuals should be governed by the rules of nice, polite and devout behavior.

For example, you should never be placed emphasis on eating which instructs it should not be too expensive and exotic but something common and priced at average to low.

Ordering of alcoholic beverages is not recommended except in special occasions (celebrations, achievements). Long known rule of Culture of the table and further is of great importance - should never speak with food in your mouth, not to chew with your mouth open. Fork should stand from lev side, spoon and knife on the right. Also, food should become part of the lev, and drink the right (if the waiter does not do it), so the table to avoid the mess.

When employees will find the celebration of the mass may start to eat when served by two people from his lev and right. If the food of others present arrive earlier, you should encourage them to start a meal. People should take food that is located just in front of them, everything is within reach should ask to be filed.

The meal begins when the host of the gathering will open salfetata before it should you start eating. It is very important rule that bread never eaten whole, should always crush the smaller parts to more easily put it in your mouth. The same applies to the food on your plate. Zalcheto should eat before selecting a new mouth.

Indication that the meal is ready usually marks dijagonalnoto setting cutlery plate. No need to push yourself to the rest of the table. The plates should remain where they were during the meal.

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