Saturday, March 11, 2017

Be Careful: 5 Situations When It Is Not Good To Drink Water

We all know that water is vital to life and health, but that does not mean you need to constantly drink plenty of water. Also, it is very important what kind of water we drink. If you find these 5 situations, think twice before you reach for the glass of water ...

1. Already drank water in greater quantity
Although this happens very rarely, quite possible to drink too much water which is harmful to health. For example, people are tempted to drink a lot of water at once if you are dealing with a busy sports or if they think that drinking large quantities will help in detoxification. No need to drink a lot of water at once, because it violates the body's balance of salt, or sodium, which can lead to nausea and vomiting. Much healthier to drink water evenly throughout the day, but in smaller quantities.

2. The urine is clear you
If your urine is transparent, clear and bright (like the color of lemonade), it means that your body is supplied with sufficient fluid and no need to exaggerate with drinking water. But if the urine has a dark yellow color, it is a sign that it may be time for a glass of water.

3. You ate hearty meal
One of the simplest ways to reduce the number of calories you have entered is to drink a glass of water before a meal and thus you eat less food than usual because liquid occupies a space in the stomach.
But for the same reason drinking too much water before or during a meal can slow digestion and cause discomfort and bloating. Drinking water immediately after a meal also is not recommended because it should allow the digestive system alone to process food before it is "zalieme" fluid.

4. For a long time you have been working intensively
That does not mean that it is undesirable to drink fluids during the workout, but you have to keep in mind the following: When a big physical effort, the body sweat and thus lose important electrolytes such as potassium and sodium. That means you will have to compensate their lack and pure water does not contain in large quantities. But beware with sports drinks that contain electrolytes, because they often are zashekjereni.Vnimatelno check that ingredients containing electrolyte potion you plan to drink. Instead, you can drink coconut water is low-calorie, but naturally rich in potassium, sodium and magnesium.

5. You bought water "sweet secret"
Sometimes pure, plain water seem too ordinary when there is such a large selection of interesting water enriched with various flavors. But these drinks often contain a lot of sugar or artificial sweeteners are not good for your line. Studies have shown that these sweeteners are not good either for digestion and also increase the sense of hunger and can lead to obesity. If you want to enrich the water with some taste, do it yourself with natural supplements. Excellent choice lemon, limetata, cucumber, watermelon and mint.

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