Friday, December 23, 2016

Types of artificial intelligence (AI)

With advances in computer technology - machines capable of learning, neuroscience, language processing, genetic algorithms, etc. - It seems artificial intelligence (AI) has evolved from simple to self-aware machines. This is where AI-it is now and how it might develop.

Type 1: reactive AI

This is the most basic form of AI - perceives the environment and the situations in which it is located, and reacts to what he sees. No concept of the world outside it, can not form memories or past experiences to influence the current decisions. Specialized only in one area.

Examples of this type of AI is IBM's Deep Blue, which beat Kasparov in chess and AlphaGo on Google, which has won people to compete in the game Go.

Type 2: AI with limited memory

This type of AI use prior information and adds the programmed play of the world. There is enough memory or experience to make the right decisions and execute some actions.

Examples: autonomous vehicles, personal digital assistants, chat bots

Type 3: Theory of mind

AI-it type 3 has the capacity to understand the thoughts and emotions that affect human behavior. This type can understand the feelings, motives, intentions and expectations, and can have social interaction with people. Such a thing has not yet been created, but the next class of intelligent machines

Examples: C-3PO and R2-D2 from the Star Wars films, Sonny movie I, Robot (2004)

Type 4: self-aware AI

 This type of AI can form an image of itself, be aware of their own internal situation, to anticipate the feelings of others and so on. This future generation of machines will be super intelligent, sentient and aware.

Examples: Eva movie Ex Machina (2015)

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