The recommended daily intake of sugar is 9 teaspoons for men and 6 for women, diet of 2,000 calories a day. Currently, according to various surveys, the average intake for most people is 3 times higher than that - 22 teaspoons a day. Here are some signs that you enter too much sugar (in various forms) in the body:
1) Significant differences in the level of energy
This is due to many "empty" calories that are entered with sugars, and is more noticeable in the meantime if you have no introduction into nuts, protein, fruits and vegetables, milk or clumsy. Instead of "nibble" sweet when you feel hunger during the day, doctors recommend it to replace it with, for example, a protein bar or cereal bar and soft drinks with water.
2) Inexplicable flatulence
Sugar reduces the effectiveness of metabolism and produces fluid retention - which causes bloating, especially in the abdomen.
3) Overeating
Sugar process incredibly fast, so we do not feel that we are "full", ie fed. Intake of foods with a lot of empty calories such as cookies, cakes, pies, candy, fruit drinks and so on. leads to overeating and increased levels of blood sugar, which after going down makes tired and hungry again.
4) Poor sleep
It may be due to excessive intake of sugar throughout the day, especially before going to bed, as it distorts the balance of hormones in the body and can keep you awake into the night.
5) Common headaches
Too much sugar causes a condition similar to a hangover after too much alcohol - headaches, bloating, distraction and the like.
6) irregular capital
Состојбите како нерегуларната столица, подуеност, запек, дијареја, гасовитост и сл. се појавуваат кога се внесува премногу шеќер, бидејќи лошите бактерии во телото се хранат од него.
7) Акни и сува кожа
Сувата кожа како и појавувањето на акни повеќе од вообичаеното е поврзано со исхрана богата со шеќери, така што доколку ги забележите овие симптоми, намалете со нивниот внес и јадете повеќе зеленчук, протеини и незаситени масти.
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