Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Apple cider vinegar: 5 truths you must know if you drink to lose weight

scientific evidence that apple cider vinegar speeds up metabolism, or that burns fat, and that helps with losing weight. Therefore, before you start to drink apple cider vinegar, read these five facts about this acidic fluid you need to know.

1. The apple vinegar is not the best way of winning appetite

When apple vinegar to drink on an empty stomach, the acid may irritate and thus create a feeling of satiety. If you want to feel full without harmful have emerged, the better choice is a breakfast rich in protein. Such breakfast will saturate and will provide more nutrients than a glass of apple cider vinegar.

2. Drinking apple cider vinegar is a natural way of detoxification

Your body has its own natural resource management services that are free of toxins, which consists of liver, kidneys and intestines. These vital organs help the body to absorb nutrients and eliminate nekorisnite in the form of urine and stool.

3. apple vinegar may be probiotic

The apple vinegar is derived from fermented apple juice, so like other fermented foods may contain bacteria that improve the health of the intestine and maintain proper digestion. But you should be aware that the properties of probiotics have only nepasteriziraniot apple cider vinegar which contains enzymes, proteins and probiotics mentioned. So, pasteurization disappear probiotichkite properties of apple cider vinegar.

4. Drinking too much apple cider vinegar can be dangerous

If you decide to reduce your excess weight with the help of apple cider vinegar should not consume large quantities because it can irritate the stomach, adversely affects the teeth and damages the esophagus. Because it is recommended not to drink on an empty stomach.

 5. It may be useful apple vinegar to eat rather than drink

The best way to consume apple cider vinegar as a dressing for salad. This way you will have the most benefit from it, because the claim that drinking apple cider vinegar helps in weight loss, there is no solid scientific evidence. Remember that there are no quick fixes when it comes to permanent weight loss. To achieve a slender line, you need to learn to live healthy.

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