Saturday, February 18, 2017

What should you eat if you have thyroid problems?

Thyroid or thyroid gland is the body that affect the operation of many other organs in the body.

The most common problems that people face when it comes to hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Excessive or reduced secretion of hormones of this gland may to some extent be controlled by food intake.

Therefore, this is the food that you should avoid according to the group to which you belong:

In hyperthyroidism - excessive thyroid function:

1. Food rich in iodine, but also all kinds of iodized salt.

2. Whole milk, which can replace it with skimmed milk, which the body much easier to digest.

3. Refined flour containing less nutrients from whole grains and more difficult to digest. Refined flour has a high glycemic index that can change the blood sugar and hormone levels.

4. Red meat can replace it with lean meats like chicken or fish such as salmon, tuna, herring or mackerel.

5. Dairy products, especially if hyperthyroidism is associated with lactose intolerance or the inability of the organism to digest milk and milk products.

In hypothyroidism - reduced secretion of thyroid hormones:

1. Foods that prevents transfer of iodine in the blood as millet, mustard, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, horseradish ...

2. Soybean and soy products such as soy oil that may affect the operation of the thyroid gland. It also recommends avoiding chocolate and energy tiles that contain soy lecithin.

3. Make sure the food that contains gluten such as barley, wheat, rye or refined foods containing gluten. Also, reduce your intake of vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.

4. Fast food also slows the creation of thyroid hormone.

5. Peaches, pears and strawberries are fruits that you should avoid or eat in moderation to enhance the secretion of thyroid hormone.

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